A320 direct entry Captains
Requirements are:
Candidates for direct entry Captains shall have:
- Valid Part FCL EASA issued pilot license, and
- Valid and current ME-IR, and
- At least ICAO level 4 English proficiency, and
- Valid EASA Part MED certificate class 1, and either
- Valid A320 type rating in license with at least 500 block hours on A320 type as Pilot-in-Command, or
- Valid Multi engine Jet > 50000kgs MTOW / Multi crew type rating in license with minimum total of 3500 block hours with 1500 Pilot-in-Command.
NOTE: Pilots trained A320 type rating in SmartLynx ATO and showed good performance may be offered pilot positions in SmartLynx without previous experience on type.
Please send your application and CV to pilotscv@smart-lynx.com