Captain – King Air 350/200
Job Information:
We currently require highly experienced Captains with dual rating on King Air 350/200 – to work on a freelance basis, flying from our highly renowned Glasgow FBO, part of our global FBO network.
Successful candidates will have a minimum of 2000 flying hours for PIC, preferably on type.
Salary is based on a standard starting salary of £44,736 per annum.
The flying rotation is based around working a seven day week on a roster of 6 days on and 3 days off. There are three shifts per day, with start times of either 07:00, 14:00 or 22:00 and the hours of work are dictated by the operational requirements of the Company, with the shift end time very much depending on the workload for that duty period, along with any ftl requirements.
Please note:
The required flying hours are the absolute minimums and applications that do not meet these requirements cannot be considered. Successful candidates will be contacted directly and all other CVs will be held on file.
To apply for this position please EMAIL your current CV to us stating the particular position you are interested in.